From quiet strength to radiant joy,
Khidki weaves your timeless story.

Life’s a vibrant dance, swirling with laughter and tears, joyful bursts and quiet victories.
At Khidki, we join your waltz, capturing not just twirling dresses and breezy hair,
but the sparkle in your eyes that tells every story, and
the way your heart glows brighter than any stage lights.
Forget the fake smiles, we’ll chase genuine moments and unspoken dialogue,
painting your true self in every frame.
Open a Khidki, breathe life into your moments, and see your story painted in timeless frames.

Love stories are a photographer’s dream;
let my lens capture yours.

From subtle to stunning, frames that
capture your event’s every mood.

A portrait is not just your picture.
It is a way to remember you by.

Hear It from Them

Real stories, Real Joy

Brands we worked with

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